The Kingdom Network of Worcester
Discovering and Blessing the Work of God in the City
April, May, June 2013
What is our vision and purpose?
We believe God is at work in the city of Worcester in places and ways beyond what we have seen and even imagined. In 2 Kings 6: 8-23 we are told that the king of Aram was at war with Israel, that the prophet Elisha, kept warning the king of Israel of Aram’s plans and that Aram therefore became with Elisha and determined to kill him. When Aram found out that Elisha was in Dothan, he sent an army to encircle the place where Elisha was so that Elisha could be captured and killed. Elisha’s servant saw the army of king Aram and, in despair, cried out to Elisha: “Oh no, my lord! What shall we do?” Elisha answered: “Don’t be afraid. Those who are with us are more than those who are with them.” And “then the Lord opened the servant’s eyes, and he looked and saw the hills full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha”. The Lord opened the servant’s eyes so that he could see the host of heaven.
We believe that the host of heaven surrounds the city of Worcester and that God’s Spirit is being poured out in surprisingly abundant ways. And so, like Elisha, we pray: “Open [our eyes], Lord, so that [we] may see.” Open our eyes so that we may see where you are at work. Open our eyes to see where you have placed your people. Open our eyes so that e may encourage what you are doing and be encouraged by it. Open our eyes to see so that we may give you the honor and glory and praise and thanksgiving that is due you.
Our purpose is two-fold:
1. We want to look for the places where God has placed His people and record where they are and who they are – church buildings, storefront churches, house churches, Christian ministries.
2. We want to pray for these churches and ministries asking God to bless them and to increase their kingdom fruitfulness. And we want to pray that God will pour out His Spirit to do even more in the city of Worcester to His glory.
How will we do this?
We will break up into groups of three people. Each group will be given an area of Worcester to drive through (or, in some cases, to walk through). One person in the group will drive, one person will pray as the Holy Spirit leads, and one person will look for signs of God’s presence and write that information down.
What kind of information do we want to record? (click here to get form)
Anything you can find quickly. The goal is not to stop people and have long conversations. The goal is to gather information so that we can put together a spiritual “map” of Worcester. (At a later date we plan to visit each of these places, begin building relationships with them, and invite them to partnership with us in blessing and reaching out to the city.)
· Address
· Name of ministry
· Denomination or type of Ministry – Campus ministry, Christian radio station, Christian social
service agency, etc.
· Pastor or contact person
· Telephone number
· Web-site or email
Where should we look? What kinds of signs are we looking for? Look for signs of Christian activity:
· Church buildings
· Church signs – There may be several different churches meeting at different times in that one
church building. We’d like to gather information about each church that meets there.
· Storefront Canopies and Windows
· Strip malls
· Posters or flyers or banners
· Directories in office buildings. For example, we have learned that:
o Several churches use space in the MidTown Mall
o As many as a dozen churches use space in a big industrial building at 70 James Street
o One church leases space from a Jewish synagogue
o At least one church leases space in a Worcester public school
· A bunch of cars parked near each other with Christian bumper stickers – this may indicate that
a storefront church or house church is meeting.
· Wherever you sense God may be telling you to stop and look
How will we end the day?
Share what you saw and sensed from God, worship, pray and give thanks.
May God be glorified, Christ be lifted up, the Spirit be poured out, the city be blessed, people be save, healed and restored, and God’s people be glad in Him. To God be all the glory! Amen.
Discovering and Blessing the Work of God in the City
April, May, June 2013
What is our vision and purpose?
We believe God is at work in the city of Worcester in places and ways beyond what we have seen and even imagined. In 2 Kings 6: 8-23 we are told that the king of Aram was at war with Israel, that the prophet Elisha, kept warning the king of Israel of Aram’s plans and that Aram therefore became with Elisha and determined to kill him. When Aram found out that Elisha was in Dothan, he sent an army to encircle the place where Elisha was so that Elisha could be captured and killed. Elisha’s servant saw the army of king Aram and, in despair, cried out to Elisha: “Oh no, my lord! What shall we do?” Elisha answered: “Don’t be afraid. Those who are with us are more than those who are with them.” And “then the Lord opened the servant’s eyes, and he looked and saw the hills full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha”. The Lord opened the servant’s eyes so that he could see the host of heaven.
We believe that the host of heaven surrounds the city of Worcester and that God’s Spirit is being poured out in surprisingly abundant ways. And so, like Elisha, we pray: “Open [our eyes], Lord, so that [we] may see.” Open our eyes so that we may see where you are at work. Open our eyes to see where you have placed your people. Open our eyes so that e may encourage what you are doing and be encouraged by it. Open our eyes to see so that we may give you the honor and glory and praise and thanksgiving that is due you.
Our purpose is two-fold:
1. We want to look for the places where God has placed His people and record where they are and who they are – church buildings, storefront churches, house churches, Christian ministries.
2. We want to pray for these churches and ministries asking God to bless them and to increase their kingdom fruitfulness. And we want to pray that God will pour out His Spirit to do even more in the city of Worcester to His glory.
How will we do this?
We will break up into groups of three people. Each group will be given an area of Worcester to drive through (or, in some cases, to walk through). One person in the group will drive, one person will pray as the Holy Spirit leads, and one person will look for signs of God’s presence and write that information down.
What kind of information do we want to record? (click here to get form)
Anything you can find quickly. The goal is not to stop people and have long conversations. The goal is to gather information so that we can put together a spiritual “map” of Worcester. (At a later date we plan to visit each of these places, begin building relationships with them, and invite them to partnership with us in blessing and reaching out to the city.)
· Address
· Name of ministry
· Denomination or type of Ministry – Campus ministry, Christian radio station, Christian social
service agency, etc.
· Pastor or contact person
· Telephone number
· Web-site or email
Where should we look? What kinds of signs are we looking for? Look for signs of Christian activity:
· Church buildings
· Church signs – There may be several different churches meeting at different times in that one
church building. We’d like to gather information about each church that meets there.
· Storefront Canopies and Windows
· Strip malls
· Posters or flyers or banners
· Directories in office buildings. For example, we have learned that:
o Several churches use space in the MidTown Mall
o As many as a dozen churches use space in a big industrial building at 70 James Street
o One church leases space from a Jewish synagogue
o At least one church leases space in a Worcester public school
· A bunch of cars parked near each other with Christian bumper stickers – this may indicate that
a storefront church or house church is meeting.
· Wherever you sense God may be telling you to stop and look
How will we end the day?
Share what you saw and sensed from God, worship, pray and give thanks.
May God be glorified, Christ be lifted up, the Spirit be poured out, the city be blessed, people be save, healed and restored, and God’s people be glad in Him. To God be all the glory! Amen.